L!FE is an information resource with unique opportunities to implement your advertising campaign

L!FE tops the list of the most quoted online resources

* Source: Medialogia, 2017/02

L!FE audience

*Source: Google Analytics, 2017/05

L!FE traffic

*Source: Google Analytics, 2017/09

L!FE users' geolocation

*Source: Google Analytics, 2017/09

Crossing audience of L!FE with other media

*Source: Liveinternet, 2017/09

L!FE format is fully adaptive

*Source: Google Analytics, August 2016

Banner advertising

Charged for views (CPM)

L!FE provides with large variety of targeting for an effective advertising campaign

Hashtags (interests)
Allows to display a banner only for interested audience of the advertiser
The frequency of views
Limits the number of views per day for unique visitors (the most effective number of views - 3-5 per day)
Allows to show a banner only to residents of certain countries, regions or cities
Allows to show your ads in a specific time of day

Text and graphics unit

Charged for clicks (CPC)

Video advertising

Charged for views (CPM)
L!FE video advertising is oriented on the promotion of the brand. It has a maximum coverage of the audience and the higher CTR
Guaranteed and prolonged contact with the audience
The ability to convey brand image more legibly
The best effect on the audience, due to unlimited creative possibilities

Special projects

Focused on native brand promotion, have a maximum coverage of audience

We are active in social networks, and will be very happy if you join us!

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+7 (495) 663-38-15

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